Mobility Hubs Study

MARLIN participated in coordination meetings with stakeholders focused on the development of concepts for a candidate transit/pedestrian center in proximity to SR 7 and Hollywood Boulevard. The first phase of the project included collecting and summarizing relevant transportation plans, land-use plans, redevelopment plans and coordination.

The team documented and analyzed intersection, traffic, transit, and pedestrian/bicycle existing conditions along the corridor. MARLIN then developed creative and state-of-the-art short, medium, and long term public element concepts intersection design for pedestrians, bicyclists, ADA, vehicles, transit and access to transit. The concept objectives were to enhance the development of a people place that grows transit utilization and becomes and catalyst for economic development.

MARLIN also researched Transit Oriented Development (TOD) typologies and how they might integrate with the new FDOT transects. Involved field visits and researching nation-wide best practices regarding mobility hub typologies.

Project Information


Broward County, Florida


Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)


Community Outreach
Traffic Engineering
Transportation Planning

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